set pList = [#Hot:[#comment: "What is the cast member name for the Hot state?", #format: #string, #default: ""], \
#RollOvr: [#comment: "Which member would you like to use for the rollover?", #format: #string, #default: ""], \
#ButtonSound:[#comment: "What sound would you like to play when the button is pressed?",#format:#string,#default:"Click"],\
#MovieControl: [#comment: "Is this button used to control a movie?",#format: #string,#range: ["Play", "Pause","Stop","Rewind","Fast Forward", "No"],#default:"No"], \
#FlashSpeed:[#comment: "How often would you like the member to flash (ticks)?", #format: #integer, #range: [#min: 0, #max: 60], #default: 30], \
#WhichFrame: [#comment: "Which frame would you like to jump to?", #format:#integer, default: "0"]]
return plist
--This toggles the flashing object back and forth at the desired speed while the mouse is not over it.
on prepareframe me
if FlashSpeed <> 0 then
if sprite(SpNum).cursor <> 280 then
set TimeTracker = the ticks
repeat while the ticks < TimeTracker + FlashSpeed
end repeat
if Glowing = 0 then
sprite(SpNum).membernum = member(Hot).number
Glowing = Glowing + 1
sprite(SpNum).membernum = member(MyNum).number
Glowing = GLowing - 1
end if
end if
end if
--This is for the rollover.
on mouseenter me
sprite(SpNum).membernum = member(RollOvr).number
sprite(SpNum).cursor = 280
on mouseleave me
sprite(SpNum).membernum = member(MyNum).number
sprite(SpNum).cursor = 293
Glowing = 0
--This goes to another frame and tells the movie what to do. Also plays the sound, if any.